First this week, we see sad news turn into old news, and then we'll take a crash course on how Final Fantasy spawned most of Square’s prominent RPG IPs—including one series with a new game out next week.
One way I've heard Final Fantasy games classified is by generation:
1 - 6: N Generation (because they were on Nintendo consoles)
7 - 12: S Generation (the shift to Sony consoles)
13+: X Generation (because of FF13's debut on the XBox 360, though given 14 has only just made it's way over and 16's nowhere to be seen, I think this one's debatable)
Anyway, good stuff as always, even though I refuse to believe more people liked X-2 than XI 😋
One way I've heard Final Fantasy games classified is by generation:
1 - 6: N Generation (because they were on Nintendo consoles)
7 - 12: S Generation (the shift to Sony consoles)
13+: X Generation (because of FF13's debut on the XBox 360, though given 14 has only just made it's way over and 16's nowhere to be seen, I think this one's debatable)
Anyway, good stuff as always, even though I refuse to believe more people liked X-2 than XI 😋